Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Posted via SMS from John's posterous

Getting closer.

Photo courtesy of Aussiegall.
I know, waiting is like watching grass grow. But our progress is steady. We had two software demonstrations this week and both worked very well. We're ready for Alpha testers, so that we can study how easy the software is to use and learn of anything that needs to change. Then come the Beta testers and a roll out in later July. As you see, in the photo, Curly really could use someone to cut the grass but . . . Poof, Curly goes back to work!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Working on the software and web site...

Photo courtes Dee'lite

Time goes by but it will be worth the wait.

Poof, Curly went back to work!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Photobooks - Hi Quality - Cheap Prices

You've captured an emotional moment in time, the best way to remember it is to make a book with your best shots - to look at for years. It can be a tiny book or a larger book with 8 pages or hundreds.

We love PhotoBooks, too, and they make great gifts that show creativity and thoughtfulness. The only downside is we think they can be over priced and not always user friendly. We are a solid team of graphics and data professionals with years of experience in printing highly personalized books, and now are jumping at the opportunity to offer quality photo books at the lowest prices. Having years of experience in producing one of a kind customized books, guarantees quality and prices only very efficient producers can offer. So, we designed our own software and will shortly open to the world our website guaranteeing to make Quality PhotoBooks at Cheaper Prices! How cheap? We will start at $1.99! How? Sorry, a Magician never tells!

We plan to offer beta sites soon. If you would like to be a beta tester, please write and we will select many to make prototypes and proofs of concept.

Coming soon, you will simply log on, it's as easy as 1-2-3! Preserve your memories, in a beautiful photo book, for as little as $1.99. And remember to use this free shipping code: FSC010 for your first book., 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Coming Soon

Quality Photo Books - Cheap Prices